Batman Begins

DC Batman Begins: Best Superhero Movies

Batman Begins: 5 Reasons Why the Film is a Pillar of the Superhero Genre

Batman Begins is a pillar among Superhero Movies and is also one of the Best Films in the genre to date. Next Friday will mark the film’s 17th anniversary. That’s right, it has been 17 years since the first film of Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy hit the big screens. And today, we are taking a […]

Batman Begins: 5 Reasons Why the Film is a Pillar of the Superhero Genre Read More »

5 reasons why Batman Begins is so good

[POLL] Batman Begins 16th Anniversary: What’s the Best Live-Action Film Featuring Batman?

Batman Begins is a pillar among Superhero Movies and is also one of the Best Films of the genre. It has now officially been more than 16 years since the movie hit the theatres and even after all these years this specific iteration of Batman is still so relevant to the genre. READ MORE- Batman Begins

[POLL] Batman Begins 16th Anniversary: What’s the Best Live-Action Film Featuring Batman? Read More »